

is a gift of life

Look at nature

Look at nature

and you will understand everything

In Silence

In Silence

lies the greatest revelation

As time goes by

As time goes by

time becomes more and more important

Every moment

Every moment

is of infinite value



touch the depths of your soul



is here and now

Your heart

Your heart

knows the way



is the beginning of knowledge

Where flowers bloom

Where flowers bloom

the world smiles

You do not see angels

You do not see angels

but you feel them in your heart

Latest News

A very special gift

Gutschein Chellenweid 

Surprise your loved ones, who are close to your heart, with a time-out of a special kind! A harmonizing deep relaxation embraced by wonderful sounds. Order now under 079 535 14 01


Let the day fade away

Gutschein Chellenweid 

Your gift to yourself. Always on Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:30. Just let your soul dangle and let yourself be carried away into the world of sounds. Please call
079 535 14 01 to book in advance.


Yoga and Sound

Baum Doris Gutmann

Yoga and sound combined: conscious, deep body awareness accompanied by gentle sounds. Please call 079 535 14 01 to book in advance.

YoP4190006ur voice is the most perfect instrument you can imagine! Like a mirror of your soul, your voice reflects emotions, moods and feelings.
When humming, your voice brings you from thinking to feeling, from the head to the heart, you are completely with you!

Yes, I can hear you saying: "but I can't sing". Try simply humming with your mouth closed.

Sit upright and relaxed. Close your eyes and listen to your breath. Feel the air gently flowing in and out through your nostrils. Let thoughts that come pass by and keep coming back to your breath with your concentration. After a few minutes, breathe deeply into your belly and as you exhale, sound "mmmmmm" with your mouth closed and your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Notice where the gentle vibrations touch your body. Listen to the sound that is being created. Let the sound fade out and take another deep breath into your belly to sound "mmmmm" again with the following exhale. Do this for a few minutes and then remain in silence for a few minutes. Maybe you can still feel where the vibrations have touched you, maybe you can still hear your humming. Enjoy this gift to yourself and be with yourself for a few more minutes.

Sum daily and you will soon not want to miss the calming, healing effect of this way of perceiving your voice in the body and deepening your breath at the same time!

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